Conference on Higher Education Computing in Kansas
CHECK 2014 hosted by Emporia State University
General Information
CHECK is sponsored by the Regents Information Technology Council (RITC) and coordinated by the Information Technology and Services Advisory (ITSA) subcommittee. Hosting the event rotates among the member institutions.
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Speakers, please email your presentations to
Registration Table

The Registration Table is located on the 2nd Floor of the Memorial Union in the Alumni Lounge.Parking
Parking is generally open to anyone aside from handicapped spaces and loading zones.
Message from the Emporia State University CIO, Mike Erickson
Greetings! It is with excitement and anticipation that the Emporia State community looks forward to welcoming you to CHECK 2014!
On behalf of Emporia State and our dedicated Information Technology team, please accept my invitation to be a part of this year’s gathering of all who are interested in the intersection of information technology and higher education in Kansas. Technology plays an increasingly pervasive role in our society and in the success of our students – both inside and outside the classroom – and we once again gather to reflect on its potential and challenges.
As information technology professionals, as staff who rely on technology to serve students, or as faculty who leverage information technology to enhance student learning, we share a common goal of providing better technology-based solutions and services to ensure increased student success. For more than 40 years, CHECK has provided the opportunity for us to gather, share ideas, collaborate, create mutually beneficial partnerships, renew friendships - or sometimes simply commiserate about the challenges of the day. Emporia State is proud to be the host for those great conversations again this year.
While you are here, please take time to explore our campus and our community. Our Information Technology staff will be happy to be your Ambassadors. Whether you’d like a tour of campus or directions to some of our unique local venues, we are here to ensure that your visit to Emporia and Emporia State University is a great experience.
Join us! We look forward to seeing you here for CHECK 2014 at Emporia State University!
ITSA Committee Members
Melanie Willingham, Emporia State University, Chair
Barbara Herbert, Pittsburg State University
Rebecca Gould, Kansas State University
Derek Johnson, Fort Hays State University
Mason Powell, University of Kansas
Steve Dickerson, Wichita State University
John Haverty, Washburn University