John Kuefler and Jeff Burns
Pittsburg State University
Bringing Data to Life with Tableau Dashboards
It is easy to get overwhelmed by the data that is available from a student information system. How do you get the data from a database into a useful format? How do you ensure data validity? How do you disseminate between what is worth looking at and what isn’t? This presentation will cover the use of Tableau dashboards and data migration and validation techniques used at Pittsburg State University to enhance reporting and data analysis.
David Day, Paul Farran, and Suzie Johannes
University of Kansas
Let Students Show You the Way
What’s better than having your customers tell you the best way to reach them and fellow customers? This presentation is a case study on how KU Information Technology (KU IT) teamed up with a Journalism Marketing Campaigns class (Jour 640) on the best way to reach and engage students. Jour 640 is a professional-based, senior-level marketing class in which students do real work for a real client throughout the semester. KU IT was selected as the client for fall 2013 and worked with the class just like a marketing agency. The result was five innovative, student-produced proposals for how KU IT can better reach and engage students about technology on campus. Learn more about this unique collaboration and how you can do the same with a class at your university.
Angela Neria, Becky Qualls, and Chris Kelly
Pittsburg State University
Tweeting. Pinning. Posting. Get the most out of social media for your campus by promoting “social media best practices”!
Do your campus employees tweet, post, or pin about your institution? Should they? If the answer is yes, then you may find this session valuable. The Pittsburg State University IT and Marketing departments collaborated to develop hands-on workshops to educate campus employees on the value of using social media to promote information about the University. Along the way, University employees learned best practices to consider as professionals in higher education. This session is filled with fun nuggets of information and examples that will help you to motivate your campus to take advantage of the power of social media!
Jake Coffman
University of Kansas
Virtual Applications in Higher Education
With mobile computing on the rise, the University of Kansas sought opportunity by providing site-licensed applications to our entire student body in our private cloud. The implementation of KU's ʺVirtual Labʺ has provided students access to software on any device on any network. Come discover how KU scoped, piloted & implemented virtual applications & the many challenges associated with it.
George Hosler
University of Kansas
One Stop Portal - Providing a Gateway to University Systems and Services
As new systems and campus services are rolled out to users, IT faces the daunting task of providing users a gateway for access. While Single Sign On provides a big part of the solution, users still need a portal to provide dashboards of information and focused direction into campus workflows.
Nathan Ensz, Director, Kansas Information Technology Office within the Office of Information Technology Services
IT Project Management: The history, benefits, and challenges experienced in state government
The KITO office provides oversight for IT projects that occur within state government. The state has developed a project management methodology which is designed to provide common standards to help ensure IT projects are conducted in a disciplined, well- managed, and consistent manner. In this presentation I'll cover the history of project management within state government, benefits that come from having good project management, and challenges that arise as projects work towards completion.
Tim Pearson
Pittsburg State University
Data Protection and Disaster Recovery – Not the same thing.
Low cost tools and survivable strategies that work together to accomplish both.
Traditional data protection and disaster recovery strategies. Are once-a-day backups sufficient
in today's environment?
Strategies, tools and use cases for scheduled data replication;
Strategies, tools and use cases for Real-time data replication;
Global Deduplication – Jaw-dropping results can open the door to previously unthinkable data
retention, offsite backup and disaster recovery strategies;
Private and Regional ʺCloudʺ strategies - spread around the computing horsepower, not just the
Brett Morrill, Shelly Tittel, and Russ Wade
Wichita State University
A Framework for Managing Security Access Across Multiple Systems
The complexity of managing an employee’s access to information and systems is increasing as our institution is acquiring more decentralized software products. How can an institution respond in a timely manner to changing employee responsibilities and employment status? WSU is attempting to solve this problem by developing a Security Access Management System. IT personnel are working with functional users to identify employment “events” which should trigger a review of systems access and are in the beginning stages of developing a system which will help automate security access management in a timelier manner.
Patricia Lindley, PhD, Director of Assessment
Pittsburg State University
Promoting Student Learning Experiences in an Office of IT Services
Accreditation in higher education has focused on how institutions promote the achievement of student learning outcomes in general education and in degree programs. More recently, attention has included learning taking place in co-curricular units, consisting of various student services, activities, and organizations as well as institutional units meeting student needs (e.g., Career Services, Registrar, Financial Aid, etc.). An institution's Office of Information Services has now become a co-curricular unit for promoting student learning.
The purposes of this workshop are to evaluate the mission of an Office of IT Services and its operations in order to identify potential opportunities to build student learning experiences and then to create an assessment plan, including student learning outcomes and measures of learning. Examples of student learning outcomes and measures will be shared. Finally, the workshop will conclude with an overview of PSU's Co-Curricular Academy for Student Learning for promoting student learning across all co-curricular units.
Becky North, and Dawn Bleuel
Wichita State Univertsity
Tools of the Trade
Wichita State University uses a variety of tools to create training materials, online help, and procedure documents. These tools have helped WSU be more efficient and consistent in the development of these documents. The deployment process used by WSU makes it easy for users to search for information by keyword and phrase.
Matthew Seiwert
Wichita State University
Pulling Malware up at the roots: Finding the source of the compromise and negating it.
Identifying the vector of infection for malware is an important part of incident response. The process of locating the source of the infection benefits more than just the infected end user. Tracing the source of an infection and understanding its method enables the organization to avoid that threat in the future, and to reach out to other organizations whose infrastructure has been compromised for use in malware distribution or control, further mitigating the threat of a re-infection.
Floyd Davenport, Tim Peterson, and Brenda White
Washburn University
Using Zoom Video Conferencing to Engage Students and Deliver Online Programs
Come and learn how faculty at Washburn University are using Zoom in their classrooms. Zoom is an inexpensive and easy to use video conferencing system. ʺThe audio and video are good quality and the program is easy to use. I love being able to share desktop items and intend to use Zoom for student presentationsʺ, Shirley Dinkel, Associate Professor, Nursing. Faculty have used Zoom for student orientation, lectures, clinical conferences and faculty meetings. Zoom is easy to manage and integrates into Active Directory for Single Sign-On.
Amanda Aveyard-Elo and Carol Hedrick
University of Kansas
How to use requirements to evaluate vendor solutions
How do you decide on a vendor solution that will be used by multiple stakeholders? How do you measure if a vendor solution will meet expectations? This session will explore the use of Vendor Evaluation requirements at the University of Kansas. We will discuss the process of determining the requirements, ensuring stakeholder buy-in, reviewing potential solutions, challenges, and benefits.
Mike Erickson
Emporia State University
Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way - IT's Role in a Changing Educational Landscape
Come explore ideas and engage in an open-ended conversation about the potentially disruptive (or is it ʺinnovativeʺ? how about ʺtransformationalʺ?) role that digital technology is playing in higher education - or perhaps more specifically in each of our institutions. Is technology an instigator, a catalyst, innocent bystander, or a panacea in today’s disrupted higher education landscape? What should the role of the information technology support unit - staff and leadership - be within this landscape?
Dianne Graves and Sandy Crofoot
Emporia State University
A Day in the Life of an Application Developer
Tongue-in-cheek satire describing the challenges faced by an Application Developer on a daily basis. From end-users to management, the typical work day goes well beyond writing the simple report. Take a break from the more serious sessions and come have a chuckle. You might even see yourself in us!
Brian Osbourn and others TBD
Emporia State University
The Sky’s the Limit: An Introduction to ESU’s own cloud
The session explores the process of building, marketing, and supporting ESU’s Sky service, an on-premises cloud ecosystem driven by multiple technologies and realizing the goal of allowing students, faculty, and staff to work anywhere, whenever they need their content and across most devices. Content will focus on the functionality and benefits of core student services--virtual desktops and printing--and briefly explore the full range of Sky services. Topics will include the basic design, lessons learned after the first year, communicating and marketing the solution, and future expansion of the services.
Dylan Jacob
Emporia State Universtiy
IDS/IPS on a Budget - Detecting and Responding to External Threats
As IT professionals, we are all concerned with the security of the systems and networks we work with. Many of the systems available to detect attacks and intrusions cost more than we would like them to. What if you could build your own Intrusion Detection and Prevention infrastructure with hardware you already have, software that is free (or at least inexpensive), and that is scalable? It is possible to build such an infrastructure on an extremely limited budget; an infrastructure that will decrease the time it takes to detect a threat, and possibly even automate a reaction?
Dianne Graves and Elaine Henrie
Emporia State University
A Beta in the Shark Tank: Testing ERP Vendor Features
Emporia State University has just completed serving as a beta test site for Ellucian’s eTranscript solution, in conjunction with the National Student Clearinghouse. This session will highlight the process used to plan, install, test and implement a major feature enhancement for a major ERP vendor, along with lessons learned and benefits gained.